
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A note on note-taking

Even notes can be creative ... my inner dialogue which has been running all day ...

I mentioned last week that I like to use different coloured biros to make my notes and writing more interesting.  Using different colours, as Sark does, helps me to remember things much more easily.  Have a look at Sark's website for some informative and upbeat life coaching!  I have a couple of Sark's book including 'Living Juicy' which I like to dip into for some spiritual, creative, crazy uplifting!! :)  It's a day by day guide on how to nurture your creative soul.  Hmm, maybe I could use it in conjunction with my creative notes?  Hmmm ... IDEA!! 

So, I've decided to do a week's worth of coloured notes to myself to accompany my blog and to show how creative and memorable note-taking can be.

Do you like the stars?  I made a stamper out of a cork from a bottle of Asti!

1 comment:

Sally said...

I think your stars look great.
Sometime I wish I lived where the skies were darker so that I could gaze at more stars... but hey... it is good to get a late night coffee too!!!